MAITRE D’OEUVRE : SBA avec tectône
PROGRAMME: Logements en accession sociale à la propriété et résidence étudiante avec services (H&E)
ADRESSE : Avenue de la République, ZAC Rouget de Lisle, 92 000 Nanterre
SHAB : 4264 m2
SHON : 5200 m2 COUT : 4 000 000 euros H.T.
CALENDRIER : Livraison décembre 2008
🇬🇧 This realization combines in a single building a mixed program of 27 homes for social housing and a student residence of 93 rooms.
It is located in a new neighborhood in front of a park built over a highway.
The particular stereotomy of the solid bricks of pinned and stanched stretches corresponds to the scale of the whole and reveals the geometry of composition of the volumes.
Mostly double-orientation dwellings have balconies on a courtyard. All levels residence staircases are naturally lit and have exterior views.
🇬🇧 Use of terracotta for all facades: "monomur" type brick with mineral coating on the garden and lined with brick on the street avoiding the renovation on the public domain.
Large solar thermal panels for DHW and in addition to collective gas heating.