PROGRAMME ET LABEL: Logements P.L.U.S. (6 intermédiaires et 3 collectifs) - H&E
ADRESSE : 5-7, rue du Capitaine Marchal, 75020 Paris 20e
SHAB : 626 m2
SHON : 769 m2
COUT : 1 800 000 euros H.T.
CALENDRIER : livraison 2014
🇬🇧 Located in the « Campagne à Paris » district, this 9-unit project offers 6 directly accessible from the street.
Access to high houses is from a staircase slipping into a gap / hopper along each divider. Crossing the building it brings in the light as soon as you cross the threshold of the entrance door. The low houses have two levels with cellar in the basement.
A private garden facing south is dedicated to them.
In reference to the houses built at the beginning of the last century in the district, the work on the rhythm, the thickness and the apparatus of the brick suggests the partition of the interior spaces as well as the superposition of the inhabited volumes. The last level zinc follows the slope of the street by a set of nesting nestlings attic set back from a large terrace.
🇬🇧 Use of the terracotta for all facades: "monomur" type brick with mineral coating on the garden and lined with brick on the street avoiding the restoration on the public domain.
Large solar thermal panels for DHW and in addition to collective gas heating